Studio Seizure
Hosted by: Staff
- Monday: 12:00am–1:00am
- Monday: 7:00pm–8:00pm
- Wednesday: 7:00pm–8:00pm
- Sunday: 2:00am–3:00am
We let the band in, told them they could DJ and then in order to keep them off balance while the police were called, we interviewed them between songs. This is the result. A new band wanders in pretty often.
7:00pm, 5-1-2023
12:00am, 5-1-2023
2:00am, 4-30-2023
7:00pm, 4-24-2023
12:00am, 4-24-2023
2:00am, 4-23-2023
7:00pm, 4-17-2023
12:00am, 4-17-2023
2:00am, 4-16-2023
7:00pm, 4-10-2023